NSFW – End of an Era – The W4THM UHF Get’down Station Goes Dark

What started out as an act of maliciousness by one individual turned into the catalyst for the SFLARC. This was the day my participation on local analog ham radio ended but it marked the beginning of a new club, a new network of digital repeaters, and a new direction.

The Get’down station consisted of a junk Alinco dual bander for crossbanding that wouldn’t do more than 5w and had to be tuned off frequency, a small mystery box, and a commercial grade bigger mystery box. That big mystery box had to be cleaned of roach droppings, disinfected, and repaired when I got it. It had been rescued from a shed somewhere in Miami.

The joke behind the Christmas extension cord and red wire nuts was because I was always getting crap about my McGuyver station. McGuyver station never failed!