
South Florida Latin Amateur Radio Club (SFLARC) Bylaws

November 2022

SFLARC’s Mission – The purpose of this club is to bring together people from all aspects of the radio hobby.

SFLARC Membership Requirements – A radio license (GMRS, amateur, or commercial) is not required for membership but is encouraged. Anyone with an interest in radio is welcomed to apply.

Due to the nature of our public events and public outreach, applicants and current members may be subjected to a public records search by the club’s officers and/or board of directors. Individuals found to have a documented history of repeated violence or sex crimes will be denied membership.

Any applicant with a felonious or violent background will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the club’s officers and board of directors. Should it be discovered that a new or current member has a felony conviction(s) provable by public records search, or a violent background, said individual’s membership shall be contingent upon a 75% vote to accept the individual into the club. The vote shall be by the club’s executive officers and board of directors. Should a current member’s membership be revoked, any dues paid for that membership year will be returned.

SFLARC Membership Application – An application to join the club can be downloaded from the club’s website and submitted via email or in person at a meeting along with 1 years dues. Should membership be denied for any reason, the applicant’s dues will be returned.

SFLARC Membership Dues – Dues are $15 a year, payable at time of membership application for new members or during membership renewal drive once a year for current members. Anyone who passes their Technician Class FCC exam at a club sanctioned test session will be eligible for free membership for the remainder of that fiscal year providing they meet all the above requirements.

Membership dues will be used to fund future club events. Club financials are open for view to any club member in good standing.

SFLARC Officers and Directors – The club officer positions are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Board of Directors. These positions will be filled by appointment by the founder of the club, Robert Cruz, W4THM. Starting in 2025, these positions will be filled via popular vote by club members in good standing. The club’s bylaws are to be updated in 2024 to reflect the transition to leadership elected by popular vote starting in 2025.

Any member who has served as an officer for at least one year is granted the right to remain on the board of directors indefinitely as long as they do not violate the requirements for membership or they decline such privilege. Members of the board who’s dues are up to date can vote on all club matters and actively participate in vetting of members.

SFLARC Voting – Any decisions requiring a club vote (with the exception of membership vetting) shall be done at a club meeting and documented. Voting will be done via whatever method is most efficient per the leadership of the club. For general club business, a quorum of at least 25% of the membership must be present along with at least 3 out of 4 executive officers. An executive officer can appoint a stand-in if needed in their absence.

SFLARC Meetings and Meeting Locations – Club meetings may be held in person or online. This will all be dependent upon the current needs of the club.

SFLARC Member Removal – The Executive Officers and Board can remove any member that violates the club’s membership requirements without needing consent from general membership.

SFLARC Member Code of Conduct – This club was founded by individuals who are firm believers in the 1st Amendment. Everything has it’s place and time though. The club is just a group of like minded individuals who enjoy each other’s camaraderie. The radio hobby has many different facets and radio itself has many different uses. Whatever aspect of the hobby interests you, we simply ask that you do not associate the club name with any potentially embarrassing, harmful, or illegal activities.

Amendments to SFLARC – Any changes to SFLARC bylaws are to be made via a vote at a general club meeting by the club officers and board of directors. A vote of 75% in favor of the change must occur in order for the change to be made. Any club member may suggest a change.