Freqs / Nets / Events

looking up the chnl 6 tower in princeton fl


SFLARC net every Thursday evening at 7:30PM EST on the club’s amateur repeaters and via Zello link.  English and Spanish speakers are welcomed. 

146.865 – VHF DSTAR – Downtown Miami Fl

443.300 – UHF Yaesu Fusion Digital DPL 315 – Homestead Fl

550, 575, and 725 GMRS repeaters

YSF reflector 07580 – USMiamiHams

Zello interface to Yaesu Fusion system – private channel, members only.

Need a script to follow to run the net? Click link below.

Nov 2023 preamble for SFLARC net

Please note, users on our frequencies may toggle between English and Spanish mid conversation. It’s not done to be rude but rather a unique phenomenon that commonly happens in South Florida. Locals call it Spanglish. Don’t be afraid to let out an “oye, me no speaky Spanish!” If you need to. We all speak English.

Affiliate Clubs

New Horizons Radio Club, Miami Fl –

South-Dade GMRS Club –

North-Dade Amateur Radio Club – net on 444.800 PL 94.8 on Thursdays at 7:00PM EST

Dade Radio Club of Miami – net on 444.200 PL 94.8 and 146.925 PL 103.5, Wednesdays at 7:00PM EST


Nothing on the radar at this time. Check back later.