Long ago, in a county not so far away….
In the 1990’s and into early 2000’s we had two REACT teams in Miami-Dade County. REACT is traditionally known as a CB’er organization but they provided volunteer emergency responders with excellent liability insurance at a minimal cost.
REACT 4881 was first, then DCAT (Disaster Communications Assistance Team) came after when 4881 split.
Led mostly by the late Roger Guajardo (KD4VNN) both teams spent hundreds of hours training in basic survival, map reading, first aid, setting up field stations, etc. The Everglades were the place to look for these teams when they were out doing drills.
Both teams responded to numerous hurricanes, missing person searches, and even to 911 in NYC. As the county grew it’s resources, the REACT / DCAT teams were called upon less and less and finally disbanded.