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2024 SFLARC Winter Field Day

We came, we saw, we played dominos… (after playing radio of course)

Just a few pics of our setup for WFD. We operated 5 stations solely off solar and batteries. No stinkin’ noisy generators. All the batteries we used were Lithium Iron, no lead acid. It made for a peaceful evening were the only thing generating noise was us.

2 of the antennas used were built on a whim, onsite, with what was on hand. We built full size 40m and 80m dipoles and strung them up in the trees using paracord. They definitely kicked the llamas ass! Both antennas performed very well.

Horizons GMRS Club was onsite with us and saw lots of traffic from perspective hams. Rumor has it that even Mr 786, Pitbull, visited.

Once the radio craze wore down we got the fire going and played dominos while enjoying cigars and adult beverages. A poorman’s laser show bathed the area in green and blue beams.

So whats with the plywood station log? K4KKC insisted we all use computer logging. I go to field day to get away from computers and concentrate on radio. After he annoyed me quite a bit about my QRP radio, my lack of computer logging, etc.. I just grabbed a piece of wood out of the back of his truck. He looks at me and asks “what do you want the for”? I smile and say, that’s gonna be my log!

Don’t forget to go to the YouTube links section and check out the 2024 WFD video. I promise you it’s not your typical boring ham video.