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2023 SFLARC at Melbourne Hamfest

So we went, again, to the Melbourne Hamfest. Been here many times and I enjoy this hamfest much more than Orlando. Orlando Hamcation has just gotten out of control with their table prices which translates into higher merchandise prices as vendors try to recoup their investments.  Melbourne is where it’s at if you’re looking for used gear!

We had 16 tables, right in the middle. A pirate flag was flown as a sign of peace and goodwill towards legal and ethical radio behavior. In an effort to stimulate the local economy, a HUGE $1 item section was in play. It was definitely a hit. There was one guy that tried to haggle with me on a $1 item.. ah.. hams are truly special.

In the evening we all stayed at a very cool historic property. 100 year old house with an amazing deck that lead to a beer drinking bench with an amazing view. Despite the ample design attempts by it’s builder, no drunkards went swimming.

Good times and good finds were had by all!