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No more linking of GMRS repeaters, now what?

So the FCC finally clarified the vague laws surrounding the linking of GMRS repeaters and remote access. So what’s the gist of it? 

“GMRS stations cannot be interconnected with the public switched telephone network or any other network for the purpose of carrying GMRS communications, but these networks can be used for remote control of repeater stations.  In other words, repeaters may not be linked via the internet…” – FCC website

So, a GMRS station is not just a repeater. A handheld, a mobile, a base, a repeater, are all different types of stations. This means no more web/telco linking of anything GMRS. What about RF links? GMRS traffic has to stay on GMRS frequencies so good luck with that. No more Zello links either. They can only be linked for control purposes. This means turning the thing on and off for example.

You can read up on it yourself in the link below, go to “operations” tab.


So now what? Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. People took the linking thing way too far. Some were monopolizing the 8 channels. Not too far north from us, in Palm Beach County, one self proclaimed god of GMRS put up an NXDN network and went around threatening other repeater owners. Bozo’s like that ruined for all. Congrats nimrod, you killed a good thing!

So what can you do? GMRS is still there, you’ll just be limited to what you can access via your radio gear. Step up your radio and antenna game for more coverage. Another option is get your ham license. 

Those that invested in putting up a bunch of GMRS repeaters remember that on ham, you can link via any means possible as long as you can control the gear and the access to the airwaves. If you’re using commercial radio gear on GMRS, you’re a duplexer and an antenna away from having a UHF ham repeater.

To get on ham, you’ll need a license. You study for it and pay to take the test. If you pass, it’s good for 10 years and you can renew it without retaking the test. Why get on ham? For starters, you’ll have access to thousands of frequencies, not like 30. You also have substantially more freedom to try different modes, bands, higher power, etc.

If you wish to do it all online, study, test, the whole shebang, try Ham Study. They provide everything from online study materials to connecting you with ways to take the test online.


If you’re in Miami Dade county and want to take the test infront of a live human, visit the Dade Radio Club in Doral.
